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Different Strokes

Different Strokes: Answers to the Perplexing Differences between Americans and Canadians is an illuminating book that delves into how the differences Americans and Canadians have developed over time. Dating all the way back to the first European settlements in America and Canada, author, Janet Snider, compares and contrasts the varying circumstances that natives of both countries had to endure. For instance, while there was much turmoil in America when the English colonists arrived, as the Natives and Europeans fought to preserve what they had in their individual settlements, the first European settlement in Canada resulted in peaceful alliances. Snider explains how these defining circumstances have paved the way to the increasingly obvious differences between Americans and Canadians now. Snider draws on research conducted by well-known historians to keep readers engaged and provide them with a much deeper understanding of the differences between Americans and Canadians. Despite the complex subject matter, Snider delivers on all fronts by skilfully intertwining historical beginnings with a clear and compelling story about how the divergent yet defining nature of both populations were formed. Overall, readers who enjoy books rooted in culture and history will thoroughly enjoy Different Strokes.
Review by the Book Excellence Awards