Summerhurst Books

View the books available at Summerhurst Books:

Different Strokes
Different Strokes
This book is more a survey of reasons with some detail rather than an exhaustive historical account of our histories. Though not an historian, I have spent many hours doing research, using multiple sources to tell the story accurately. Research for Different Strokes has been a great learning experience for me as I delved into the parts of American and Canadian history that were only impressions and rather indistinct to me before this project. What is surprising is that we as neighbours, and good neighbours we are, could have such different beginnings. These beginnings have certainly influenced our development as countries and the values and political cultures we see today. The importance of beginnings and subsequent development of countries, if taken into account more often with accurate knowledge of their pasts would probably improve our understanding of each other here on the North American continent and in the world generally.
Samuel de Champlain

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Though intended for children from grades 5 to 8, this book about Samuel de Champlain is interesting for all ages. Champlain was the Founder of New France and one of the Fathers of Canada. Not only was he an explorer, but also an accomplished map-maker, artist, historian and sympathetic observer of the lives of First Nations people. A man of integrity, he kept his promises to his Native allies and fought with them against their enemies. He proved to be a clever and fearless warrior as well as a skilled mediator in their disputes.The book is full of Champlain's lively experiences and descriptions of the many colourful people he met. It is evident as he recounts his adventures that he has left an indelible mark imprinted on this country of Canada.

The Vikings, Cabot and Cartier

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Though intended for children from grades 5 to 8, this book about The Vikings, Cabot & Cartier is interest­ing for all ages. 'The Vikings, Cabot and Cartier" tells the stories of their explorations, voyages and the first recorded encounters with the Native people of North America. Richly illustrated with maps, paintings and photographs, it makes Canadian history from 900 to 1541 come alive.A book for children, their parents, schools and libraries.

Explorers of the Pacific Northwest

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These explorers lent their names to so many places in Western Canada, that they are household names. Vancouver Island, the City of Vancouver, the Fraser River, the Mackenzie River and Cook Inlet are all named for the explorers of the
Pacific Northwest. The book tells the stories behind the names. Trek with Mackenzie over land to Bella Coola and the Pacific Ocean; paddle with Fraser on his harrowing journey through Hell's Gate on the Fraser River en route to Georgia Strait; meet the Nootka people with Cook at Nootka Sound; chart the waters of Johnstone Strait in open boats with Vancouver; and meet the many Native peoples along the way that sustained and guided these explorers on their journeys of discovery. The history of the Pacific Northwest is alive with adventure, vision, daring, intelligence, strength and nerve.

It is Canadian history.

LaSalle and the Rise of New France

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Between 1604 and 1682, New France grew from a small colony comprised of Quebec City, Montreal and Acadia, to a huge North American Empire that included all the lands between the Appalachian and Rocky Mountains. La Salle, a visionary with boundless energy and resolve, was the driving force behind King Louis XIV's acquisition of Louisiana. La Salle, Marquette, Jolliet, Radisson and Groseilliers were bold explorers of the interior of North America.

This is the story of the development of New France from the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes and the Gulf of Mexico. The First Nations people played a large part in the rise of New France, both assisting through trade and alliances and hindering with raids and wars. In New France there was political intrigue, rumours were rampant and skullduggery was all too common. The weather, the wilderness and the rivers were unbelievably challenging. Our history abounds with Adventure.

Samuel de Champlain en français

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Cette chronique de Champlain est destinée aux enfants de la 5e à la 8e année, mais elle suscitera l'intérêt des personnes de tous âges. Champlain est le fondateur de la Nouvelle-France et l'un des Pères du Canada. En plus d'être explorateur, il était cartographe accompli, artiste, historien et observateur compatissant de la vie des Premières Nations. Un homme intègre, il a tenu ses promesses à ses alliés autochtones et s'est battu à leurs côtés contre leurs ennemis. Il s'est révélé un guerrier adroit et audacieux en plus d'être un médiateur compétent dans leurs conflits.

Le livre est une chronique vivante des expériences de Champlain et des descriptions qu'il a faites des nombreuses personnes hautes en couleur qu'il a rencontrées. Il est évident, à la lecture des aventures racontées par Champlain, qu'il a marqué de façon indélébile l'histoire de notre pays, le Canada.

Brick Bradford, Flying Ace

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Janet Snider has written regularly for 35 years and published the Explorer Chronicles about Canadian explorers, Brick Bradford, Flying Ace, about a seven year old boy who falls in love with flying. It is a true story about my father-in-law who flew in WWII and had clocked 29,000 hours total when he retired a 77 ears of age.